Life has been pretty busy and stressful for me lately, which is why there haven’t been any blogs, reviews, podcasts, or any other new content since October.
Unfortunately, ever since I started this site, I have been maintaining it and creating content for it all by myself. That makes producing quality content consistently a challenge.
Add to that the many problems plaguing work, home, and family, and a severe case of ADHD, and you have a perfect recipe for unproductivity.
I have therefore decided that, for the foreseeable future, long-form blogs will be posted only when they’re ready instead the original planned schedule of monthly. When and if the podcast returns, it will continue to be monthly episodes of about 1 hour each. Videos are still pending, but planned.
The Disney Park Bench is not finished yet! We’ve just begun to dream, create, design, and build, but it takes people to make the dream a reality.
So if you can help us grow in any way, click the button below and send us a message!